The first concept I thought is important is the iGeneration, which is youngsters who have been around technolongy their whole generation by using computers to go on the internet and cell phones. In this generation is when cell phones became high tech and you can basicly do anything on a cell phone, wether it be paying a bill to texting a friend. People who were born since the late 1990's are in this generation and myself is one of these people. In the textbook, it states that 95% of 12-17 year olds are online and 80% of these adolesecents use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites. I use all the social media I know about to interact with people I know. Every morning, I check social media like it's the newspaper and I know I'm not the only one who does this.
Another concept that I believe is important is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This is very important while becoming a 21st century teacher because you can interact with your students using technology that they are familiar with. Teachers use three different forms of knowledge that are 1.) content knowledge which includes the essential academic subject matter that teachers use in elementary school 2.) Pedagogical knowledge which is all information that teachers know about different teaching methods, curriculum development, and instructional design 3.) Technological knowledge that includes knowing how to use different types of technology. Through out school, different teachers that I've had use different types of technology to help studdents learn wether it be youtube videos to explain a lesson more clearer to websites that allow you to interact to gain more knowledge. I've used websites that help me study for classes that do walk through on the assignment that is being taught.
The last concept that is also important is technology-based learning environment. This concept allows new possibilities to extend the classroom beyond the school day. This allows teachers to get students engaged into the subject or lesson by relating it into something they know how to do nowadays, which is technology. Teachers can post notes, discussion questions, extra readings, and assignments that students can access to enhance their learning. Also, online tutors as well as videos to help the students who need that extra help. I've seen kids today that have homework to do online instead of homework on a piece of paper. This way of learning is more useful in my opinion because you can always go back to it and review it how often you need.
With technology forming so quickly, it's hard on some teachers that don't know that much about technology because it can help out their students who know how to use technology. It's important that teachers know how to engage their students in learning by relating it into something they know how to use which is technology. Becoming a 21st century teacher, you must know the basic concepts of technology and how to use it in your classrooms so the students can relate and can succeed by using sources that would be more helpful to them, like websites that help reteach the lesson. YouTube can help with a lot of lesson because students can watch videos and get a visual idea.
Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Yay! You got your first post on your first blog!! :) Congratulations
ReplyDeleteThe points that resonated with you are good ones - ones that you'll likely build upon over the semester's time. Good start on your reflective writing - a skill that you will further develop as you get some additional posts on this blog. You also did an awesome job in adding APA formatted resource - excellent!
The things to work on for the next blog post: 1) Check out the graphic on the assignment detail and use the Connect, Extend, Challenge sections to increase your reflective writing, 2) Try adding/embedding a properly attributed and relevant YouTube video or Creative Commons licensed photo to provide more visual to your blog - it is tough to just read text these days of multimedia. :) Check out my tutorials and/or my blog example. 3) Find a relevant website to support your thoughts and hyperlink it - then don't forget to add it under the Resources (in APA format).
Overall, a great first post - keep up the good work. :)